Friday, December 23, 2016

Educational Tourism in Taman Mini's Freshwater Aquarium Park

Educational Tourism in Taman Mini's Freshwater Aquarium Park
Written by
Katrina Desiree Jaafar 

Tourism has an important role in education. More and more people have realized and defined that travel or leisure can be an opportunity for learning, a way to discover and explore ideas, cultures, science, and history. For the student, tourism provides learning experience outside of the classroom. It gives the student the opportunity to see firsthand actual places, artifacts, flora and fauna, or events, and not only learn about them from books and publications. Educational tourism can develop the students’ knowledge towards a particular subject, help them in research, and expose things that are new to them by seeing them up close.
One example of a tourist attraction that can be used for educational tourism is the Freshwater Aquarium Park or Dunia Air Tawar in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, which is situated in Ceger, Cipayung, East Jakarta City. To get to the aquarium park you must first enter the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah theme park, which you can reach by taking a taxi or other modes of transportation. When you get to Taman Mini, you have to pay Rp 10.000/person (you have to pay an extra Rp 10.000 if you drive a car). After that, to get to the aquarium park you can either, go there with your car, walk, rent a bike, or take the small shuttle provided by the park (which you have to pay for Rp 5000). The aquarium park is located between the insect museum and the Keong Mas flower gardens. 

Dunia Air Tawar, Taman Mini Indonesia

The freshwater aquarium park was built in 1992 and inaugurated on 20 April 1994. This aquarium park is the largest and most comprehensive in the world and second largest in Asia. It has saved and collected over 6000 animals of 126 species, which came from various waters of Indonesia and around the world, including aquatic plants, reptiles, crustaceans, and fish. With its complete facilities (such as a library, auditorium, garden, freshwater reptile habitat, and quarantine room) and its wide collection of freshwater species, this aquarium park gives an opportunity for students and the general public to conduct research and observation related to fresh water fish.

Entrance to the main hall. 

Main hall. To get inside the actual aquarium, you have to take the elevator on the left, which will take you to the waterfall garden

The waterfall garden with Koi pond

Their aquariums

The famous Amazonian Piranha
Their collection of local freshwater ornamental fish 

Opinions and Critiques

Educational tourism may well contribute to Indonesia’s growth and development. Economically, this sort of tourism can be profitable for the government, state, and society. It can provide jobs to the community, such as travel agencies and tour guides. Furthermore, it can provide value added contribution in providing income to the local market through tourists that buy local products. The development of infrastructure to promote tourism also create additional jobs. Socially, it could help society in gaining knowledge and experience learning outside formal education. Environmentally, it supports the conservation program by creating awareness and appreciation of conserving the natural resources and wildlife of the area.
I went to this aquarium park for a research project last year,  and this aquarium park really lives up to its name. Their collection of fresh water fish are complete, from the famous Amazonian Piranhas and Arapaima to the Indonesian Arowana, they have it all. This park is a must-see not only for students studying aquatic creatures but also for the general public who have not seen such variety of fresh water fish. Their entrance fee is really affordable at only Rp25.000, and it includes entrance to the insect museum and butterfly park. The facility of this aquarium is really complete. They have a little museum, a library, auditorium, some sort of indoor garden with a waterfall, freshwater reptile habitats, and a quarantine room that is used for nursery and breeding of the freshwater fish. The fish are well described by name, characteristic and where they are found. You can also visit other parks and museums because this aquarium is not far from other Taman Mini attractions.
Although this park has complete facilities and collection of fish, I have to say there are a few disappointments. First of all, since its operation in 1994, there have been no changes to the design and structure of the park, thus making it look antiquated. Secondly, there appears to be a lack of promotion of the park. Therefore, there are very few visitors, as not many are aware of its appeal. Thirdly, the facilities are complete but do not create interest among the visitors. Some areas are dark and not well maintained.  Some aquariums are empty. The 3D cinema which is shown in the auditorium is of poor quality and visitors are being charged to watch it. Lastly, fresh water fish require good lighting to display their beauty and distinctive characteristics. Some aquariums have to improve the lighting to make the exhibition more interesting.

How to Increase the Educational Tourism in the Freshwater Aquarium Park:
  • Taman Mini should advertise and promote the aquarium park, so that more people will visit this museum.
  • Change the design of the aquarium to make it more functional and attractive to visitors.
  • Educational tourism is not given the attention it deserves.  The government should give more attention and priority to educational tourism because it provides knowledge and appreciation of all aspects required for the individual’s growth as a member of society and his/her  environment.