Monday, November 20, 2017


In this task, I have to correct the mistakes found in the 3 sentences below, and then provide the reasons/explanations to my answers.

Soal A

The wrong answer is A. go. The correct answer should be: went

REASON: This sentence includes an adverb clause which describes when Mary went to bed. The adverb clause is an adverb of time and uses a verb with past perfect tense, therefore the verb in the main clause should be in a simple past tense. 

Soal B

The wrong answer is A. stopped. The correct answer should be: stop by

REASON: Auxiliary future verbs such as, might or will, is always followed by a verb using a simple present tense. The verb Stop in this sentence cannot stand alone, so it must be accompanied by the preposition by. Stop by is an example of a phrasal verb.

Soal C

The wrong answer is D. had gone. The correct answer should be: went

REASON: This is a compound sentence because both clause are independent and connected by the conjunction “and”. Therefore, both sentences must have the same verb tense. The first clause has a verb using simple past tense, so the second clause should also have a verb with a simple past tense. Therefore, the past perfect tense verb had gone should be replaced with the simple past tense verb went.

Katrina Desiree Jaafar