Monday, July 9, 2018



Little star
Shining bright
lighting up the dark sky
-09/04/2016, 20:23

Sebuah Pesan

Sebuah Pesan 

Aku tahu kau berjuang
Bagai pertempuran di medang perang
Tiap hari kau akhiri dengan tangisan 
mengharapkan suatu kebebasan

Aku tau kau lelah 
Ada godaan kuat untuk menyerah 
Hatimu pasti gelisah 
Ingin kau akhiri saja semua

Jangan mengira kau lemah 
Hanya karena kau ingin menyerah 
kekuatan manusia ada batasnya
setiap hujan ada jedanya

Tapi tunggu dulu!
Sebelum menentukan jawabanmu
Dengarkanlah perkataanku
Sedikit pesan untukmu

Kau sangatlah kuat
Kau menopang beban berat
Badai pun telah kau lalui
Tidak goyah kau berdiri

Aku yakin kau bisa lalui
Segala sesuatu yang kau takuti 
Bila semua ini menjadi beban 
Ijinkan aku untuk meringankan


Going Places: What We Did in Singapore

I want to tell you about my experience when I traveled with my best friend to Singapore. This was my first time travelling without my family. My friend and I were first time travelers and wow! did it give me a lot of anxiety. 


The Airport 

We went to Soekarno-Hatta airport at 4 o clock in the morning and our flight was at 7. Everything was okay when we got to the airport, check in was pretty smooth, everything was fine. And then we got delayed for almost 2 hours.. haha we're fine... We were starving and our flight was in Terminal 2 and food in terminal 2 was really limited. We didn’t get the ticket with an in flight meal, so when the other passengers were given the rice boxes, we just kind of stare at them and hoping the plane would leave soon. 

My friend (on the left) and I (on the right) waiting to get out of this damn airport 
We reached Singapore about one o’clock, went to customs, and took a taxi. We stayed at the YMCA Hostel in One orchard road. It’s nice and quiet comfortable for a hostel and it’s really close to a subway station. As soon as we arrived, we checked in to our room and unpacked. We decided that it was time to get food. Because we don’t know where to go, the hotel receptionist told us to go the mall near there, so we went. We ate, but we kinda regret it because it’s overpriced and we found out there were cheaper food inside the subway station. Huhuhu..

Gardens by the Bay
Gardens by the Bay is a big nature park that is famous for their beautiful conservatories called the Flower Dome and Cloud Forest. Outside the conservatory there is another park that holds the gigantic Super Trees. These trees were also used as conservatory for living plants and they harness solar energy to power the conservatory.

To get there we had to take the subway and stop at Bayfront Station (Funny story, we got lost in the subway, until this helpful subway attendee saved the day, haha). The admission fee was 28$, it includes the conservatory (flower dome and cloud forest) and the huge Super Trees.

The conservatory was amazing. There are millions of plant species being protected inside the green house. My favorite was the flower gardens that hold many kinds of flowers. The Cloud Forest was also amazing. 

We went up to Cloud Mountain where there were long bridges and at the side of the mountain they have this very big waterfall that made the whole conservatory so cool and fresh.

In the afternoon my friend and I waited in line to get to the top of the Super Trees. We were lucky enough to be on the top during their light show. Their light show was really fun and we danced to disco music.


Universal Studios
Going to Universal Studios was just like a dream. We were so excited that got up so early just to go here. 
Here is how to get there:

  • Take the North East Line going to Harbourfront.
  • Alight at the last stop — Harbourfront Station.
  • Walk into the VivoCity Mall and climb to Level 3 of the Mall.
  • Proceed to Lobby L. You know you’re at Lobby L when you see Food Republic. You might want to have breakfast or lunch before going to Sentosa. 
  • Fall in line and purchase a ticket. The ticket costs S$3and it already includes Sentosa Island Admission charge. Keep your ticket. Don’t lose it.
  • Board the monorail train.
  • Alight at Waterfront Station.
  • Follow the signs and you’ll find yourself staring at the Universal Studios rotating globe soon after.
Source: (

We were practically the first in line to buy tickets and the first in line on the park gate. The park doesn’t even open until 10 a.m.

The ticket was 78$. It was pricey, but it's worth it if you go in there early enough to get on all the rides.

We went to the Transformers Ride first. This ride was so fun, totally recommended. It's like a 4D simulation and it feels a lot like we were in the movie. We rode it twice, hehe.

The second ride was The Mummy. It is an indoor roller-coaster and they warn you from the start that this ride is fast, real fast. BOY! when we got to the ride there was only the both of us and we were told to sit in the front. IT WAS TERRIFYING. It was so dark you could not see anything, there were skeletons, and not to mention that the coaster was really fast. I screamed like a little girl.

We went around quiet a lot and rode all the rides, except the Jurassic Park rides and the Superman  Roller Coaster (These rides got full real quick).

The highlight of this trip was when we got a picture with Bert and Cookie Monster from Sesame Street (Yes, we were avid fans of Sesame Street).


This was our last day in Singapore, and we decided to go to Madame Tussauds in Sentosa Island. We got on the subway and took the same route to Universal Studios. 

Madame Tussauds is a wax museum that showcases famous celebrities from around the world. You can take pictures with famous world leaders, actors, musicians, and even athletes. You don't have to go far to meet your idols.. haha.. 

We also got to see Images of Singapore which is a live show about the lives of Singaporeans in the olden days. And lastly we went on a boat ride called the Spirit of Singapore showcasing the diversity and uniqueness of Singapore. 

Sadly, our day at Singapore had to end, and we had to head back home. I have to say it was the best vacation I had on my own, too bad it's too short. I hope someday I could explore more of  Singapore. 

Thanks for reading 😄

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Tugas 4 Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer

Menerjemahkan Puisi Bahasa Inggris

Name: Katrina Desiree Jaafar
NPM: 15614800
Class: 4SA01


[little tree]
little tree
little silent Christmas tree
you are so little
you are more like a flower

who found you in the green forest
and were you very sorry to come away?
see          i will comfort you
because you smell so sweetly

i will kiss your cool bark
and hug you safe and tight
just as your mother would,
only don't be afraid

look          the spangles
that sleep all the year in a dark box
dreaming of being taken out and allowed to shine,
the balls the chains red and gold the fluffy threads,

put up your little arms
and i'll give them all to you to hold
every finger shall have its ring
and there won't be a single place dark or unhappy

then when you're quite dressed
you'll stand in the window for everyone to see
and how they'll stare!
oh but you'll be very proud

and my little sister and i will take hands
and looking up at our beautiful tree
we'll dance and sing
"Noel Noel"


[pohon kecil]
pohon kecil
pohon Natal kecil yang sunyi
kamu sangat sedikit
kamu lebih seperti bunga

yang menemukanmu di hutan hijau
dan apakah kamu sangat menyesal datang?
lihat aku akan menghiburmu
karena baumu sangat manis

aku akan mencium kulitmu yang dingin
dan memelukmu dengan aman dan ketat
sama seperti ibumu,
jangan takut

lihat spangles
yang tidur sepanjang tahun di kotak gelap
memimpikan dibawa keluar dan diizinkan untuk bersinar,
bola rantai merah dan emas benang halus,

angkat lengan kecilmu
dan saya akan memberi mereka semua untuk Anda pegang
setiap jari harus memiliki cincinnya
dan tidak akan ada satu tempat pun yang gelap atau tidak bahagia

maka ketika Anda cukup berpakaian
Anda akan berdiri di jendela agar semua orang dapat melihatnya
dan bagaimana mereka akan menatap!
oh tapi kamu akan sangat bangga

dan adik perempuan saya dan saya akan mengambil tangan
dan melihat pohon kami yang indah
kami akan menari dan bernyanyi
"Noel Noel"


[pohon kecil]

pohon kecil
pohon Natal kecil yang sunyi
kau sangatlah mungil
bagaikan sebuah bunga

Siapa yang menemukanmu di hutan hijau
dan apakah kau menyesal telah datang?
aku akan menghiburmu
karena baumu yang manis

akan ku cium kulitmu yang dingin
dan memelukmu erat
sama seperti ibumu,
janganlah takut

lihat hiasan-hiasan berkilauan
tidur sepanjang tahun dalam kotak gelap
bermimpi untuk keluar dan bersinar,
bola, rantai merah dan emas, benang halus,

angkat lengan kecilmu
dan genggamlah ini
setiap jari harus memiliki cincinnya
dan tak akan ada satu tempat yang gelap
tak akan ada satu tempat yang sedih

ketika kau cukup berpakaian
kau akan berdiri di jendela dipandang banyak orang
wah bagaimana mereka akan menatap!
kau akan sangat bangga

adik dan aku akan bergandengan
dan melihat pohon kami yang indah
kami akan menari dan bernyanyi
"Noel Noel"

Thursday, July 5, 2018

A Book Review: The Beginning of Everything

Book Profile

Writer: Robyn Schneider

Published: January 1st 2013

Publisher: Katherine Tegen

Pages: 335

A short summary

The story follows former class president and tennis athlete, Ezra Faulkner, as he returns to high school after a tragic car accident. The accident ruined his tennis career and also his reputation. Aware that he is now an outcast, he avoids his popular friends and reunites with his childhood friend, Toby. With the influence of Toby, Ezra joins the debate team, where he falls in love with Cassidy Thorpe, the mysterious new girl.

As they grow closer, Ezra begins to accept his misfortunes and focuses more on the person he is after the accident, not on his past popular self. However, as Cassidy and Ezra discover the tragic connection of their past, they must part ways and continue to live their life with the lessons that they taught each other.

My thoughts on the book

This book was highly recommended by a friend of mine and it was so popular that everyone was talking about it. I read it and I must say that I like it a lot. When you read the first chapter, you get the idea why the title of the book is “Everyone Gets a Tragedy”. Well, originally the book is entitled “Severed Heads and Broken Hearts,” but I would spoil the story if I say too much on that. I could only say that it is terrifying.

The story is written in Ezra’s perspective, so you get to feel how his life started out perfect and then turned upside down because of the tragic accident. Though, as you read on, you would see how he is searching for himself and how that tragedy made him a better person. The point is, throughout the story, Ezra goes through a lot of development.

What I like about the book:

I like the way the author uses Ezra as the narrator because I feel like I can relate to what he was going through. He is a teenager dealing with his insecurities and flaws and I think the author has portrayed him very well.
All the characters are relatable, and each has their own quirks which I think is cool because the author didn’t make the supporting characters flat. Though, the characters that I like most are Cassidy and Toby. I like Cassidy because she’s very lively and she doesn’t really care what other people think. She is wise and helped Ezra a lot in finding himself. Ezra himself admitted it. She is also very mysterious.

What I like about Toby is that he would still accept Ezra as his best friend, even though Ezra hasn’t been a good friend to him. He welcomed Ezra to join his debate team, cheered him up and he is always there for Ezra. Like Cassidy, Toby doesn’t really care about what people think of him. He wears a suit and a bow-tie and he is a hell of a good debater.

I also like the moral of the story. It taught us that from a tragedy, something that really matters can happen. The way we handle that tragedy can tell us more about ourselves. From a tragedy we can know the person who truly cares. It can make us into a better person because we learn from our mistakes.

What I don't like about the book:

Probably the plot. It is rather predictable because I have read a few with the same theme. The typical young adult novel where the "underdog"  falls for the mysterious girl with a lot of baggage (try reading John Green's novels).

I don't know... I still like the novel, though 👍👍